Tariq H. Tashtoush
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU), USA
Title: Robotics and automation in space systems: Utilization of infrared laser to improve communication in space systems review
Biography: Tariq H. Tashtoush
Robots are programmable mechanisms that have been developed to aid humans. Their capability to replace a human in the sense that they can achieve repetitive and detailed tasks at impressive speeds with a high precision with minimal to no errors. Robots have also greatly contributed into the exploration of deep sea and space environments, where it extremely difficult for humans to explore due to environments and limited resources. This paper will briefly explain the background and communication problems encountered with robotics and automation on space systems. Orbital robots and surface robots both face challenges when in the vacuum of space. Robots in space are all designed specifically to achieve a specified task such as providing GPS access, taking images, live streaming videos of space, robotic workstations and planetary exploration. The space environment creates several constraints into the operation and design of a robot and automation. Radiation, vacuum, extreme temperatures, gravity, power and communication are just a few of the problems faced in the space environment. The main objective of this paper is to provide an insight of faster a communication between command station and space robots using infrared lasers.