Jeffrey Berkley
Mimic Technologies Inc., USA
Jeff Berkley is the founder of Mimic Technologies, which was the first company to establish the market for robotic surgery simulation. Since the beta release in January of 2007, Mimic’s da Vinci simulation has become the most rapidly adopted simulation platform with the largest installation base of any digital surgery simulator. He is well known as a leader in the fields of haptics, surgery simulation, and real-time finite element modeling. He has published and served as a reviewer for various journals such as IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Modeling, Virtual Reality, and the Electronic Journal of Haptics Research and Medical Imaging. He brings over twenty years of experience in the mathematics, engineering and healthcare disciplines that utilize virtual reality applications. While obtaining his Masters of Science in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University, he also worked for Musculo Graphics, where he developed his first real-time finite element analysis models. He continued to advance his real-time algorithms while receiving his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Washington's Human Interface Technology Laboratory. He founded Mimic Technologies upon graduation, where he then applied his knowledge of haptic feedback and continuum mechanic-based tissue modeling to surgery simulation. He also served in the Naval Reserves for eight years as a medical corpsman where he received experience in field medicine and nursing.
Abstract : Simulation in robotic surgery: The challenges and opportunities