Utku Buyuksahin
Sensobright Industries LLC, USA
Utku Buyuksahin received the BS and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey in 2004 and 2010 respectively. He received another BS degree in Business Administration in 2007. His main interest areas are; robotics, sensors, image processing and motion control. He has received many awards and has over 30 technical publications, including a book and a book chapter. He holds total number of 6 patented and patent pending inventions. He has accomplished over 70 projects (all mechanical designs, manufacturing, electronic designs and applications, software developments) including, 3 axes CNC Milling Machine, 6 DOF. Stewart Platform for 8D Cinemas, Vehicle simulators, 11 DOF.Hepa Filter Test Robot etc.
Abstract : BTSS – BUYUKSAHIN tactile sensing system
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